Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Life on a small island can be SO relaxing. People might ask....what do you do all day...besides laying out at the beach and the pool? Well, we have had LOTS to do. It's just nice not to have to adhere to any type of schedule at all.
It's fun to go around Georgetown and pretend to be tourists. Here's Mari and Lea with Black Dick.
Diving has also been a fun past time. So convenient to have the boat pull up right to the beach at the Ritz.
It's been fun to renew friendships with friends on the island. Here's Mari's twin, Ally. (honestly, she looks SO MUCH like Mari did at that age)
We have access to all sorts of fun toys here at the Ritz. Here's Star and Sage trying out the paddle boards.
You know it's summer in Cayman when you see all the poinciana trees in bloom. Aren't they stunning?
We had heard about a lone dolphin out at Starfish Point. And yes, we were lucky enough to see it firsthand. It was just incredible. You couldn't have paid for this experience! Thanks to Derek for taking us out there.
We also heard that the dolphin LOVES anchors...yes, you got it, anchors. He has an anchor fetish! Here's Derek playing with him with an anchor. Evidently, he is a VERY LONELY DOLPHIN, so he loves the interaction...even if it is with an anchor!

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