Monday, April 5, 2010


Happy Easter from the Islands! Easter is a BIG deal here in Cayman. They celebrate Good Friday and Easter and THEN Easter Monday. Yes, stores and businesses are closed to celebrate. The big thing here is to go camping over Easter. No thank you, I will enjoy the amenities at the Ritz Carlton. Since we are staying at the Ritz, we had to improvise and hold our Easter Egg hunt here in our condo. Our bedroom was the hunting ground. Lea is ALWAYS the first to begin the hunt...and this year she actually found a treat all by herself without Kirk or me to tell her to pick something up.

Maya searching my closet for treats.

everyone jockeying for position to grab the candy

Easter Dinner--we celebrated by NOT using paper plates!

Sky..thought she was clever using a strainer as an easter basket

Sage..her stash is ALWAYS the biggest because she is the most motivated

Maya--eating her goodies

and the BIGGEST easter surprise of all---TY came to visit!!!

1 comment:

Denice said...

what a great thing that ty surprised u! happy easter :)